Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thing #1 Networked Student

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Connectivism is an exciting learning theory in light of the digital world and how easy it is for students to learn from many more individuals in places that just a few years ago were only pinpoints on a wall map in the classroom.

With all the cool tools available, hopefully in school, students can learn in so many different ways and are not so totally dependent on the teacher to bring the information (aka knowledge) to the table. Learning styles are more easily accommodated through the variety of means, and that in turn means the students are more likely to take responsibility for their own learning. 

The teacher's position, and yes, the librarian-teacher, too, is to facilitate and guide the learning. The learning can come from so many directions and in so many ways, the teacher/librarian must surrender the position  of "know-it-all" and be willing to learn along with and from his or her students.

This is a hard concept for many educators...that of giving up control and I think is one of the major reasons teaching-learning methods haven't changed in many classrooms and libraries. 

We just have to accept the fact that world is a different place, our students are different learners, and we must adapt in order to help our students be successful in the appropriate ways. is a WHOLE lot more fun this way!

1 comment:

  1. Great comment. I agree that this is an exciting way to learn and I think the students will really embrace it. Now we just have to drag our technology departments into the 21st century so that we can offer these tools to our students!
