Saturday, June 13, 2009

Leapin' From the Lily Pad to the Deep, Blue Sea

I am looking forward to leaving the comfort of the 23 Things environment in which I have spent an exciting two years learning and sharing...and just plain having fun using all the great stuff that is out there on the Web for the take on an even wider range of opprtunities found in the 11.5 More Things.

I have met and worked with some great new friends through this online way of learning. Can't help it, I'm still a fan of f2f learning. I need the body language and "intimacy" of being in the same room with others while learning...if that choice is available. BUT, I would not have had opportunity to work with most of the people who shared the 23 Things adventure with me had it not been for the online world. I am very grateful I had the option!

Although frogs don't venture to the sea (I did do some research...there is one salt-water species) in real life, the virtual world we find ourselves in so much these days allows for adventures of a magical sort so that is what I'm doing.

Froggy is off to play at the beach and see what happens. Grab your sunscreen and your towel and come along. The water's fine!